Do-Bi-Day Special-Cup


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Start: 01.04.2020, Donnerstag 15:00 Uhr
Ende: 02.04.2020, Freitag 22:22 Uhr

Baut die Bahnen bei euch nach und tragt in eure Playerzeile Name und eure...


Qualifying Stations

Course 1 - Donutdunker

Outplay your Donuts and get your perfect stroke.

Course 2 - Crownskipper

Let your Bottle taps dance! But take care: You have to guide them.

Course 3 - Glossy Hole

Take aim and get an excellent stroke.

Time & Location

Friday, 02 April 2021
Starts at: 20:00 MEZ

12345 YourCity

Plan Route


Tania Hill


RockbarrChampions keep playing until they get it right.

BLACKB3ARDNever change a running order

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